Yellow Application Design

Built on Zurbs Fondation with a large agile team of Python and Php developers. I was responsible for the overall UX, UI and Front-end development of Yellow's new sales management software.

Designed to revolutionalise the way Yellow would sell and maintain listings on both their books and various online sites. One manatory requirement was that the application worked on an i-Pad. The Yellow mobile sales rep would visit clients and create listings on the fly using their i-Pad whilst generating valid quotes.

The application would initially be available to the reps and then role out for customers who wanted to update thier own content online.

  • April 20, 2013
  • Application, Interactive, Responsive, i-Pad
  • Yellow (axel)
  • Internal Application

UX & Frontend Development

Working within a loosely agile environment every day would start with a standup that would shape the day, whether that required wireframe sketches or rapid prototyping within the dev environment we worked as a team to complete the task at hand.

Front-end was built on the Fondation Framework using SASS and Compass to compile the Css. Other technology included Git, Source Tree, Icon Fonts, Sublime Text2, Redmine, whiteboard and felt pen.

  • May 23, 2013
  • iPad, Responsive, Desktop
  • Yellow (axel)
  • Internal Application